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A Few Basic Writing Terms Defined

dictionary with definitions in another language.

Maybe, like me, you enjoy hunting for new places to submit your writing, and while combing through submission guidelines you occasionally come across a new term that is foreign to you. I thought that you might appreciate a post containing a few of these terms with definitions so that next time you are reading guidelines for a submission you'll be able to understand more of the mumbo-jumbo spewing from the editor's keyboard.

Without further ado, here are the definitions:

Anthology: A compilation of stories or poetry, sometimes both, put together in a book, often with a theme to tie it together.

Unsolicited Submission/Manuscript: This means that the manuscript you are submitting was not requested by the publisher (if it is a solicited manuscript, that means it was requested).

Multiple Submissions: Sending multiple submissions to the same publisher (possibly in one packet or document. It seems to depend on who you ask :).

Simultaneous Submission: Sending the same piece to more than one publisher (or contest) at the same time. Publishers will usually let you know in their submission guidelines whether they allow simultaneous submissions or not. Same goes for multiple submissions.

MS: Manuscript.

MSS: Manuscripts plural.

POD: Print on demand.

POV: Point of view.

Pseudonym/Pen Name/Nom de Plume: An assumed name used to disguise the true identity of the author. For example, J.K. Rowling, author of Harry Potter, publishes in another genre under the pseudonym Robert Galbraith.

SASE: Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope (used by the publisher to return your MS.)

SAE: Self-Addressed Envelope (or Society of Automotive Engineers... Wait — what? Ask Napa... ).

P.S. Postscript.

P.P.S. Post Postscript.

Fun Fact: The plural form of Mr. is Messrs. How come no one told me that sooner?

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