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Lilyana Page

From My Bookshelves: More Perfect than the Moon

Blog post cover designed by Lilyana Page

Book Title: More Perfect than the Moon

Author: Patricia MacLachlan

Genre: Fiction, Children's Literature

Age Group: Everyone!

Part of a Series? Yes.

Place In Series: #4

Other Books In Series: Sarah, Plain and Tall (#1), Caleb's Story (#2), Skylark (#3), Grandfather's Dance (#5)


"I am a watcher. I am a listener, too. I am invisible. I can make myself so small and quiet and hidden that sometimes no one knows I am there to watch and listen.

Except for Grandfather. He finds me everywhere. He sees me when I'm hiding. Grandfather tells me he can see through walls.

But he won't stop me.

I will find lots to write about.

Watch me.

—Cassandra Sarah Witting"

(Quote from More Perfect than the Moon, written by Patricia MacLachlan.)


Cassie is young, and she is mischievous. She likes to slip around, listening very carefully and watching everything very closely. Keeping the family journal is her job now, and she takes the responsibility very seriously.

Cassie's journal is full of stories. She tells things the way she wants them to be, not always the way they truly are.

Cassie's eagle eyes don't miss much. She sees that Mama has been acting strangely lately. She has been napping, and sometimes she isn't hungry. Sometimes she is late getting out of bed. Cassie watches her closely, worried.

Then one day Mama faints. Papa takes her to see Doctor Sam.

When Mama and Papa come back from visiting the doctor in town, they bring news that turns Cassie's life upside-down.

Mama, Papa, Grandfather, Caleb, and Anna are all very excited about this news, but Cassie is not. Change is coming, and she doesn't like it.


I loved More Perfect than the Moon. As with any of Patricia MacLachlan's stories that I have read, it is short but ever so skillfully told. The style is simple, making it easy for younger kids to follow along with and understand, yet the story is still engaging for older teens and some adults as well. Pretty sure my Mom cried when she read this one (I have a habit of giving her sweet, heartstring-tugging books that make her shed at least a couple of tears.).

Five stars for More Perfect than the Moon. This whole book series is absolutely amazing, and I highly recommend it. If I have piqued your interest, and you would like to read More Perfect than the Moon or any of the other books in this series, I would suggest checking with your local library to see if they have a copy of the book you seek. If not, you may wish to purchase a copy on Amazon, on Thriftbooks, or from your favourite bookstore. Happy reading!


P.S. If you are on Goodreads, you can find me here.

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