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How To Write An ABC Story

Pile of colourful letters on black background

Sometimes, as writers, it can be fun to write something completely nonsensical, just for the joy of it. An ABC story can easily become very nonsensical. Or, at least mine did!

Here is what you do: Set up your notebook with one letter of the alphabet on each line.






And so on, until you have your alphabet strung out (in order), one letter per line. Then you begin writing your story! Line A must begin with the letter A, line B must begin with the letter B -- this pattern goes on until you reach the end of the alphabet. To make this a bit less confusing, check out my crazy ABC story below:


A A lot of people have crazy stories.

B But mine is crazier.

C Common blackbirds are pretty.

D Diving blackbirds heading for you are not.

E Especially when they're intent on getting that little bit of jam on your cheek.

F Find a building and hide inside, if you aren't panicking like I did, in which case you won't be thinking clearly.

G "Get away!" I screamed.

H "Help! I'm being attacked by vicious blackbirds!"

I I tried to get help, but the city streets were too busy and people thought I was putting on a show.

J Jalapeño poppers were being sold nearby and the vendor glared at me for distracting his customers.

K Kids stared open mouthed as they were pulled along by hurried parents.

L Literally everyone thought I was joking.

M Many people laughed as they passed.

N None stopped to help.

O Oh, these pecking birds hurt, and I couldn't get away.

P Promptly, as though he'd read my mind, a man stopped a few feet off.

Q "Quinn's the name, my man," he said, "You need help?"

R "Run and get something to get these birds off!"

S So Quinn took off running.

T Two minutes later, he returned.

U Ululating merrily, he introduced another man.

V "Victor is a professional musician."

W "Why is that important?" I asked frantically, still swatting blackbirds with my hat.

X Xylophone music filled the air.

Y Young Victor was soon covered in blackbirds from head to toe, it seemed.

Z "Zat is why, mister," Victor smiled, and then he vanished into the crowd, taking the blackbirds with him.


There you go. My crazy ABC story.

If stories aren't really your thing, but poetry is, try writing an ABC poem instead!

Regardless of what format you choose, have fun while you write!

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