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Lilyana Page

Writing Contests: August 2024

Blog post graphic designed by Lilyana Page

I do my best to make sure that the information contained herein is accurate, but mistakes happen, and sometimes contest listings are modified after I collect information for this blog. Always visit the competition's website and read the rules for yourself!

Please keep in mind that all quotations are from the competition websites themselves.

If you are ever in doubt about the legitimacy of a writing contest or something of a similar nature, you may want to try looking it up on

Happy Writing!


Write the World Flash Fiction Competition 2024

Contest Entry Period: August 5, 2024 to August 26, 2024

Entry Fee: FREE

Special Requirements: Must have/create a free account on

Theme: None.

Entry Length: Maximum 100 words.

Age Category: 13-19.5

Rights Information: You can find out this information by perusing WtW's Terms of Service.

You can read all about the competition by visiting this page. There are some things about this contest that I have not told you, as I try to only share the most important details, but be sure to check out the page I just linked to, as it has valuable information!

Wergle Flomp Humor Poetry Contest

Contest Entry Period: This contest has a long entry period, opening on August 15, 2024, and closing on April 1, 2025.

Entry Fee: FREE.

Special Requirements: "Authors from all countries eligible except Syria, Iran, North Korea, Crimea, Russia, and Belarus (due to US government restrictions)."

Theme: None.

Entry Length: Poem must be no more than 250 lines. "Exclude the title and blank lines from your count."

Age Category: None.

Rights Information: There is a link at the bottom of the contest guidelines on this page. Click it and it will bring up a little box that contains more in-depth information on a few things.

Prizes: "First Prize: $2,000 plus a two-year gift certificate from our co-sponsor, Duotrope (a $100 value), Second Prize: $500, Third Prize: $250, Honorable Mentions: 10 awards of $100 each. Top 13 entries published online."

One poem may be submitted by each entrant.

You can find the guidelines page here. See other links on the same page for more information.

Postcards from Summer Camp Contest

Contest Entry Deadline: "11:59 pm Eastern Time, Friday, August 30, 2024."

Entry Fee: FREE

Special Requirements: None.

Theme: Summer camp-themed postcards.

Entry Length: 101 words maximum.

Age Category(s): None.

Rights Information: None found.

Prizes: "Winner receives a free Gotham class of their choosing, excluding any premium classes (Zoetrope Fiction, Business Writing, Level III)".

Winner will also have their entry published on

Please visit this page to read all contest details, to find some inspiration, and to hunt down that submit button.

Scottish Wildlife Trust Words of the Wild Writing Contest

Contest Deadline: 11:59 p.m. on August 31, 2024. 

Entry Fee: FREE

Special Requirements: "Entries must be connected to the native wildlife of Scotland."

Theme: "To celebrate 60 years of the Scottish Wildlife Trust, we’re inviting you to tell your story of Scotland’s wildlife and wild places."

Entry Length: No more than 1,000 words (excluding title).

Age Category(s): Adult (18+), Junior (18 and under).

Rights Information: "Copyright will remain with the author."

Prizes: Assorted birding gear. Please see the beginning of this page for specifics.

You can find the competition page here. Make sure to read it fully so that you understand everything.

Note: I couldn't seem to find out what the Scottish Wildlife Trust actually does with winning entries, whether they publish them or not. Do your own research in this department, I suppose.

Edinburgh Award for Flash Fiction

Contest Entry Period: June 1, 2024 to August 31, 2024.

Entry Fee: £10.00. Some entry bursaries available. Learn more here.

Special Requirements: Must be over 16.

Theme: None found.

Entry Length: 250 words (excluding title).

Age Category: Anyone over 16.

Rights Information: "The author will retain copyright to their story. All authors will be asked for permission before any work is published on our website or in the anthology. We expect all prize-winning and commended authors to agree to publication."

Prizes: First Prize, £2,000; Second Prize, £300; Third Prize, £150; Golden Hare Award, £500; Write Mango Flash Award, £300. "Publication is offered to authors of the top twenty stories (or more) in our next anthology."

Multiple entries per person permitted, no limit.

Find out more about this contest by following this link.

Morgen Bailey's 50-Word Competition

Contest Entry Period: August 1st to August 31, 2024

Entry Fee: FREE

Special Requirements: None found.

Theme: "Let it sink." Morgen has picked some interesting themes for the next few months. Put on your thinking cap and get brainstorming!

Entry Length: 50 words exactly (excluding title). EXACTLY 50 words. No more, no less!

Age Category: All ages.

Rights Information: Not listed. Winning stories will be published on Morgen's website.

  • Prizes: "1st prize: free prose critique up to 1,500 words;

  • 2nd prize: free prose critique up to 1,000 words;

  • 3rd prize: free prose critique up to 500 words."

"Each prize will be valid for six months from the closing date (i.e. the prizes for the top three stories for May are valid until end November) so you can combine your ‘winnings’."

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